Sunday 8 April 2012

There's nothing quite like a wedding...

Yesterday I watched my beautiful friend Hayley walk down the aisle to marry her long-time love. It's true what they say - there's really nothing quite like a wedding to make your heart melt just a little and give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

She was truly a vision on her big day, she radiated happiness, you could literally feel the love in the room - and the dress was to die for.

Naturally it got me thinking about my own big day, which is, coincidentally, exactly five months away. Since I chose my dream dress back in May last year (which partially seems like a lifetime ago and partially seems like mere weeks ago) I've not seen a single dress that even compares to my own, in my eyes. And that's not just because I'm supposed to say that, my dress being the best and all, I genuinely mean it. I have scoured bridal magazine after bridal magazine, dreading the day that I see a dress that makes me think: oh I WISH I'd gone for something like that instead.

So when Hayley walked down the aisle yesterday my eyes almost popped out of my head. Her dress was nothing short of sensational - and it's the first dress I've seen in almost a year that I have loved as much as my own. I always knew the girl had good taste - and if her choice of husband doesn't prove it, then her choice of dress certainly does.

I'm now used to hearing the familiar phrase 'oh gosh it's not long to go now is it?' on a regular basis. A few months ago people were telling me I still had plenty of time. WHERE THE HELL ARE THOSE PEOPLE NOW?! I met a woman a few weeks ago who wanted to know 'all the details' - and she looked genuinely disappointed when all I could tell her was that I'd booked the venue, the photographer, the cars, the band, the piper, the florist, the candy bar, and ordered my dress.

She wanted more: what are my centrepieces going to be like? How am I going to wear my hair? What will my make-up be like? Do I have my shoes? (That one I could answer, yes - the very first thing I bought) How will my bridesmaids wear their hair? Has my groom ordered his suit yet? (NO) Have we picked our wedding rings? (another Yes thankfully) Have we thought about our vows? Is someone doing a reading at the ceremony? Do we have the invitations yet? What about gifts for our bridal party? Does my mum have her mother of the bride outfit yet? The questions were endless.

It sort of shocked me into reality a bit. While I organised all the big things really early on, I've definitely been a bit slack in pulling all the 'little' things together. Yes we've THOUGHT about centrepieces - but have we decided on them yet? No is the short and simple answer.

At the start of every week for the past six or seven weeks I reckon, my poor mum has said to me: don't forget to have a wee look into the centrepieces at some point this week. Every single time I say to her: yep I'll do it today during my lunch break. Seven weeks later... still haven't done it. Now don't get me wrong, I love my job - but as soon as I sit down at my desk in the morning, things like that just fall out of my head, despite the fact that my mum sent me a text message about it just moments earlier. So of course, day after day after day passes and I only remember when I get home from work. Only to forget AGAIN the next day.

So here we are. Tomorrow is Easter Monday and technically an extended day of rest - but I will absolutely devote time to my centrepieces and make an informed decision once and for all. By this time tomorrow evening, I will have at least made a dent in the preparation of centrepieces. I pinkie promise.

If yesterday taught me anything it's that time passes much faster than you can imagine. I remember talking to Hayley about this day this time last year. We were so excited that in 12 months' time she would be getting married. All of a sudden, she actually was getting married. And I have no idea where that time went. I swear it feels like just weeks ago we were talking about it.

It also made my wedding seem much more real - I've been to weddings in the past of course, and three since the mister and I got engaged last year - but there was something different about yesterday. I think it was because I was watching my little Hayley get married. Someone who, although we met six years ago when she was 20 and I was 21, I feel has been part of my 'growing up' cycle. A LOT has changed in the past six years since I met the 'little one' and a lot of the people she and I met at the same time have fallen by the wayside - but she's always been there. So I guess watching her get married brought it all home for me, that I'm getting married too - I'm actually taking that step in a few short months from now.

It's all very exciting - but I'm also completely cacking myself about how much there is left to do.

Tomorrow: centrepieces. Watch this space xox

The beautiful bride and her proud daddy x

Amazing train!

Married! Mr & Mrs Styring x

Me and my favourite little one xox

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