Friday 10 February 2012

The seven month itch...and the wedding obsessed bitch...

Seven months to go! Waaaah! And if anyone dares to tell me how super organised I am, I'll lamp them (ooooh there's that bitch rearing her pretty little head again) but hey it is what it is right?

So my wedding dress is being kept under wraps, cloak and dagger style - the only person to have seen it on me thus far is my momma, and the only other person who'll get to see the magic in action before the big day is my maid of honour when I go for my first fitting in the summer. But I am literally desperate to share some of the love because it's so fabulous - therefore I'm going to give you all a sneak peak of my shoes, which - if I do say so myself - are sensational and totally complete the outfit (natch.)

These were the very first things I bought after we got engaged - it just so happened I had seen them the week before and thought 'wow wouldn't they be perfect wedding shoes' so it was obviously a sign I was meant to have them. I saw them on the Irregular Choice website and took myself down to Irregular Choice's flagship store on Carnaby Street in London to make the purchase, debit card in hand, rock on finger, extremely excited.

I'm absolutely head over the heels for them - but the only problem is, it's killing me not being able to wear them (now you all know why I'm so excited for September to come *wink*) so I've left them in the safe confinements of my mum's house so that there will be zero temptation for me to just slip them on around the house (you know to carry out all my domestic goddess chores and such.) Here they are... what do you think?


It feels like such a relief to actually show you something that I'll wear on the day!

We also just asked one of our good friends in Australia who is coming over for the wedding to be the MC (master of ceremony) for the reception and he agreed! He's actually the one who introduced us so it's only right that he should be the one to introduce us as 'husband and wife' for the first time ;-)

Lots of fun times ahead, the next big event is a big girlie pampering day in Edinburgh with my gorgeous bridesmaids - we have tickets to an event at the Balmoral hotel in March to get preened and fussed over, and we can't wait!

Until next time ;-) xoxo

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